Discover Healing Through Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine Assisted Therapy:

At Rock City Counseling and Consulting Services, we specialize in Ketamine Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy, a cutting-edge approach to mental health treatment. Our therapy sessions are conducted in a safe and supportive environment, guided by experienced professionals. Ketamine assisted therapy has shown remarkable efficacy in alleviating symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and other mental health conditions. Our treatment protocols are tailored to each individual’s needs, ensuring a personalized approach to healing.

Additional Therapies:

Alongside Ketamine therapy, we provide a variety of additional therapies aimed at supporting holistic well-being. Our therapists may include counseling, mindfulness practices, and other evidence-based modalities to enhance the therapeutic journey. These supplementary approaches are seamlessly integrated with Ketamine therapy to offer comprehensive support for mental health and personal growth.

Patient Resources:


Have questions about Ketamine therapy? Explore our comprehensive FAQ section to find answers to common queries about the therapy process, safety considerations, and expected outcomes. We’re committed to providing clear and accurate information to help you make informed decisions about your mental health treatment journey.

What is Ketamine Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy?

Ketamine Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that combines the use of ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic, with psychotherapy techniques to address mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more. The therapy aims to enhance self-awareness, facilitate emotional processing, and promote healing.

How does Ketamine therapy work?

Ketamine acts on certain receptors in the brain, leading to rapid changes in mood, perception, and consciousness. When used in a therapeutic setting, Ketamine can help individuals access deep-seated emotions and insights, facilitating the therapeutic process.

Is Ketamine therapy safe?

When administered by trained professionals in a controlled environment, Ketamine therapy is considered safe for most individuals. However, like any medical treatment, it carries certain risks and potential side effects. Our team closely monitors patients throughout the session to ensure their safety and well-being.

What conditions can Ketamine therapy treat?

Ketamine therapy has shown promising results in treating a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD, and more. Research continues to explore its potential applications in other areas of mental health and wellness.

How long does a Ketamine therapy session last?

Ketamine therapy sessions typically last between 60 to 90 minutes, including preparation, administration, and integration. The duration may vary depending on individual needs and treatment protocols.

How many sessions are required for Ketamine therapy to be effective?

The number of sessions needed varies from person to person and depends on factors such as the severity of the condition being treated and individual response to treatment. Some individuals may experience significant improvement after just one session, while others may benefit from a series of sessions over time.

What can I expect during a Ketamine therapy session?

During a Ketamine therapy session, you will be guided by a trained therapist who will create a safe and supportive environment for your experience. Ketamine is administered via intramuscular by our medical team, and you may undergo intense psychological experiences. The treatment team will be present to support and guide you through the process.

Are there any contraindications for Ketamine therapy?

Ketamine therapy may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled hypertension, active psychosis, or a history of substance abuse. Our team conducts thorough evaluations to determine eligibility and ensure the safety of our patients.

How can I prepare for a Ketamine therapy session?

Prior to your session, we recommend avoiding heavy meals and alcohol, staying hydrated, and getting adequate rest. It’s also essential to discuss any medications or supplements you are taking with our treatment team to ensure safety and efficacy.


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